


The free flow of energies

The meridian therapy works with the energy channels in the body, which are also called meridians.

The goal is to maintain or improve the free flow of energy through the energy channels.

Meridian therapy assumes that physical discomfort or mental imbalances limit the free flow of energy through the body. Conversely, this means that discomfort disappears when the free flow of energies can be restored.

The energy channels have an influence on all organs, glands, vessels, hormones and all processes in the body. And the organs, glands and vessels in turn influence the feelings, the behavior and the attitudes, in other words the entire emotional realm. A weakening of individual organs has the consequence that the behavior of one and the same person can change a lot. A former courageous person can become discontented or aggressive etc.

This weakening always shows up in the corresponding meridians. Either as a jam or a blockade, then an “empty state” arises. Or somewhere else a surplus. There arises an “abundance state”.

Meridian therapy aims to restore the free flow of energies. For this, the corresponding meridians are treated. The treatment can be done by acupuncture, acupressure (point press), massage, shiatsu, tuina, qigong. The extended meridian therapy is a combination therapy. A meridian-related, very simple movement therapy belongs in this extended form. The respiratory therapy, which can be used concomitantly in the meridian therapy, also achieves very good therapeutic effects. At the center, however, are the body points. (If you want to know more about the advanced meridian combination therapy, you may want to read the introduction in the menu under Point Press / Meridian Exercise Therapy.)

The great importance of psychology

An essential part of meridian therapy is psychology. The findings of mental alignment of individual meridians and points are deliberately included here. This can result in a more sustainable, holistic healing. Another important advantage is that, once you have internalized the psychology of a meridian, you will know each of its points in the treatment in its basic orientation and thus be more specific in the selection of points.

It’s time for psychology to be deliberately involved in the healing process. Approaches to this are quite present in the previous treatment with acupuncture or acupressure. They are not going far enough. A holistic healing recognizes and resolves imbalances in the emotional orientation (anxiety, anger, worry, etc.).

Heal physically and mentally with body points

The acupuncture with needles or the also very effective acupressure are almost ideally suited to simultaneously treat body and soul, because the body points directly and directly affect the body and soul. Healing processes are all the more effective and sustainable, the more the consciousness accompanies the healing process. For example, when treating Heart Meridian Points, it is beneficial to know that it also strengthens the sense of holistic love and the “I am who I am”.

Classical psychology, which researches the causes in the past to find explanations for the present behavior, may lead to an aha experience here and there. However, a holistic healing goes far beyond that. After all, healing does not come about by coping extensively and time-consuming with the past and thus with all the negative experiences, but by reorienting oneself and dealing with soothing, supportive, healing thoughts and feelings.

Modern research has revealed it. Those who live in a light, positive vibration are much more successful than those who try to solve problems with coming to terms with the past.

The heart plays a particularly important role. Measurements have shown that the heart energy is 50 times stronger than the energy of the brain. This also applies to the relationship of thoughts to feelings. Feelings are therefore 50 times more important than thoughts in the healing process.

The connection between energetic blockages and wrong beliefs

Even more important than the ever-changing everyday feelings are the deepest beliefs a person has. They are the key to a fundamental cure. It is therefore important in a holistic healing to replace old, outdated beliefs with basic, positive beliefs. As long as there are old, deep-seated beliefs that are more profound than new, healing beliefs, holistic healing will be difficult. Healing therefore also means promoting new, supportive, healing attitudes in addition to physical well-being.

Every human being has a foundation of beliefs in which he orients himself (often unconsciously) in thought and behavior. Many of them are very helpful. Others are more of a hindrance and can lead to physical blockages. These beliefs can be changed. Getting rid of fixed ideas from yesterday, for example, is a “specialty” of the large intestine meridian energy. Points on this meridian help to get rid of old, outdated beliefs and replace them with new attitudes.

In a modern holistic therapy, it is therefore about finding strengthening, supportive, positive, clearly felt sentences. Phrases with which one can identify more and more, so that one can feel and confirm with all of one’s heart. This will allow you to achieve a fundamental, sustainable, holistic healing.

Basically, the body points also work without psychology. However, the practitioner’s inner knowledge of the orientation of the meridians with which he works is certainly beneficial, even if it does not need to be talked about long and broadly. For example, if the practitioner knows what the healing effects are with the Kidney Meridian or Liver Meridian, it will increase the success of the treatment. When dealing with open-minded people, one can explain to them the connections between the emotions and the meridians, thereby consciously promoting the healing process. It is also possible to explain to the person to be treated positive principles that can be connected with the individual meridians. As a rule, the person treated will then choose the appropriate motto for himself and thus initiate a mental change process in the sense of a holistic healing. You will find suggestions for guiding principles when you click on the individual meridians.


Treatment Introduction

Treatment should be initiated at least briefly. You can do that best by taking a few deep breaths. This should be a rite because it creates a special atmosphere and creates a pleasant feeling of well-being. Start with 1 – 3 deep breaths. The belly widens, as does the flanks. Let go of everything while exhaling. And relax each time. Feel really good and relaxed. Pleasantly warm. Relaxation music and a pleasant fragrance may be helpful.

Treatment of Points with Point Press (Acupressure)

There are no universally applicable rules when dealing with points. Every human being reacts differently. In some people, a gentle stroke or circles or pushing back and forth is enough. For babies, a soft touch of the fingers can be enough. And with other people a strong pressure is announced. The duration is also individual. Mostly it should be 30 to 60 seconds. It can also be longer. Here and there you may also press for a few seconds and pause for a few seconds etc.
The points, if any, can be treated on both sides at the same time or one after the other.

In acupressure sometimes several points can be treated with several fingers at the same time (for example G15, 16, 17) or around the ear the points by swiping the fingers around and the thumb down (possibly also as completion of the ear treatment and afterwards the kneading of the ear with the final plucking of the earlobe as in the Tuina massage). Also, the meridians can be stimulated by the final plucking of the fingers or toes.

In any case, it is important to track down in the area around the treated point. Far points may make you feel the relaxing effects in the stomach or in the head although you have treated one point on the hand or on the foot. Examples are Di4 and Le3. Give time for at least 1 to 2 breaths to track the effects. A pleasant feeling of spreading warmth, of relaxation can be perceived.

In any case, assume that the points proposed here are very effective. To make this experience for yourself, just try the points Pe6 on the inner arm (calming), G20 on the head edge (invigorating) or LG20 on the head (wide) out.

If you do not know where the points are and what effects they have, just look at the impressive graphics (see the Points menu). You can also call up the respective graphics (head, body, legs) in several tabs side by side (at the top of the browser or at the bottom of the footer by calling the browser several times) while reading the texts for the meridian treatment. Then you always have the graphics ready at any time.

Organs and feelings

The vernacular has known the connection between organs and emotions for centuries (louse ran over the liver, something hits the stomach, that has gone into the kidneys, etc.). In the millennia-old TCM these feelings were recognized early. Each meridian is assigned specific emotions.
Even back then it was known that in case of anxiety the kidney meridian had to be strengthened, in case of trouble the liver meridian, in case of sadness the lung meridian, in case of worries the spleen meridian, in case of fixation in old ideas the large intestine meridian, in case of indecision the small intestine meridian, in case of insufficient (or even exaggerated) pleasure the heart meridian, in case of lacking ability to function of the gall meridian, etc. The whole thing has in the meantime been refined and thereby incorporates all possible emotional variants.

In addition, the expressive names of the individual points on the meridians prove that the emotional significance of the individual points had been recognized early on. Of course, as already said, the points work without psychology. So you do not need supportive ideas. In any case, it is important to be relaxed before, during and even a while after the treatment. However, it has also been proven that ideas can influence the success of a treatment. Thus, ideas of sun, beach, sea, vacation, deepen the relaxation.


Many practitioners generally rate the share of psychology in the success of a treatment as at least 50 percent. Above all, there are intensely felt guiding principles that can be very helpful.

The nature, content and formulation of the sentences proposed here can be individually modified (for example, emotionally effective shortened). The real meaning should be preserved in the core. Choose the ones that appeal most to you among the sentences offered by each meridian.

In order to reach the subconscious, the formulations and images may be more powerful in individual cases. What seems to the mind sometimes exaggerated or even implausible, for the subconscious is still good and right. So you may exaggerate. Again, some people are more approachable than others. In case of doubt, one can work well with the introduction “Imagine …”: “Imagine, you are a very important person …”. Or “Imagine, you are the most confident (calm, relaxed, etc.) person in the world …” or “Imagine, you are lying on the beach under the palm trees, you hear the gentle waves of the sea and breathe Feel the scent of fresh sea air … and feel like you’re lying on a blanket and being carried by the soft, cuddly, warm sand of the beach and you can let go of everything when exhaling … “In some people this is very effective, in others rather not. It depends on the willingness to use your own imagination or not.